Source code for

import requests
import json

[docs]class ResourceServer(): def __init__(self, rsUrl, cert=None, key=None): """Resource serer base class constructor Args: rsUrl (string): Domain name/ip of the resource server cert (string): Absolute Location of cert file key (string): Absolute Location of key file Raises: RuntimeError: If resource server is not reachable """ self.rsUrl = rsUrl self.cert = None if cert is not None and key is not None: self.cert = (cert, key) # opts_file = pkg_resources.resource_filename("pyIUDX", "rs/opts.json") # """ TODO: see if import works when on pip """ # with open(opts_file, "r") as f: # self.optsSchema = json.load(f)
[docs] def dispParams(self): """ Display rs initalization parameter Returns: (rsDomain, rsPort, rsVersion) (string, string, string): version string """ return self._rsDomain, self._rsPort, self._rsVersion
[docs] def getUrl(self): """ Get rs constructed url Returns: url (string): rs constructed url """ return (self._rsDomain + ":" + self._rsPort + "/resource-server" + "/v" + self._rsVersion)
[docs] def search(self, url, data): """ Use requests library to make a search request Returns: resp (object): Response body """ url = url + "/search" headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} return, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers, cert=self.cert)
[docs] def download(self, url, data): """ Use requests library to make a search request Returns: resp (object): Response body """ url = url + "/download" headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} return, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers, cert=self.cert)
[docs] def downloadData(self, groupId, opts=None, token=None): """Download data from a resource server An optional options dictionary can be passed to get more specific data. The options dictionary follows the schema: Args: groupId (string): id of the resource item opts (Dict): dictionary of various options Returns: url (string): rs constructed url """ opts = {"options": "all"} idDict = {"resourceServerGroup": groupId} if token is not None: tokenDict = {"token": token} data = {**idDict, **opts, **tokenDict} else: data = {**idDict, **opts} resp =, data) if resp.status_code == 400: raise Warning("Bad request. Check query body") if resp.status_code == 429: raise Warning("Too many requests") if resp.status_code == 401: raise Warning("Invalid credentials") if resp.status_code == 416: raise Warning("Query exceeds time limit") if resp.status_code == 200: return resp.json()
[docs] def getData(self, id, opts=None, token=None): """Get data from a resource server An optional options dictionary can be passed to get more specific data. The options dictionary follows the schema: Args: id (string): id of the resource item opts (Dict): dictionary of various options Returns: url (string): rs constructed url """ idDict = {"id": id} if token is not None: tokenDict = {"token": token} data = {**idDict, **opts, **tokenDict} else: data = {**idDict, **opts} resp =, data) if resp.status_code == 400: raise Warning("Bad request. Check query body") if resp.status_code == 429: raise Warning("Too many requests") if resp.status_code == 401: raise Warning("Invalid credentials") if resp.status_code == 416: raise Warning("Query exceeds time limit \n" + json.dumps(resp.json())) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp.json()
[docs] def getLatestData(self, id, token=None): """ Get latest data Args: id (string): id of the resource item Returns: data (List[Dict]): Array with a single dictionary item corresponding to the data """ opts = {"options": "latest"} return self.getData(id, opts, token)
[docs] def getDataDuring(self, id, startTime, endTime, token=None): """Get data during a time interval Args: id (string): id of the resource item startTime (string): Starting from endTime (string): Till Returns: data (List[Dict]): Array with a time indexed dictionary item corresponding to the data """ timeString = startTime + "/" + endTime opts = {"TRelation": "during", "time": timeString} return self.getData(id, opts, token)
[docs] def getDataBefore(self, id, time, token=None): """Get data before a given time Args: id (string): id of the resource item time (string): Ending at Returns: data (List[Dict]): Array with a time indexed dictionary item corresponding to the data """ opts = {"TRelation": "before", "time": time} return self.getData(id, opts, token)
[docs] def getDataAfter(self, id, time, token=None): """Get data after a given time Args: id (string): id of the resource item time (string): Starting from Returns: data (List[Dict]): Array with a time indexed dictionary item corresponding to the data """ opts = {"TRelation": "after", "time": time} return self.getData(id, opts, token)
[docs] def getDataAroundDuring(self, id, point, radius, startTime, endTime, token=None): """Get data around a specific point(lat, lon) and radius(meters) and during a time Args: id (string): id of the resource item point (List[Float]): point [lat, lon] radius (int): radius in meters startTime (string): Starting from endTime (string): Till Returns: data (List[Dict]): Array with a time indexed dictionary item corresponding to the data """ timeString = startTime + "/" + endTime opts = {"lat": str(point[0]), "lon": str(point[1]), "radius": str(radius), "TRelation": "during", "time": timeString} return self.getData(id, opts, token)
[docs] def getLatestDataAround(self, id, point, radius, token=None): """Get data around a specific point(lat, lon) and radius(meters) Args: id (string): id of the resource item point (List[Float]): point [lat, lon] radius (int): radius in meters Returns: data (List[Dict]): Array with a time indexed dictionary item corresponding to the data """ opts = {"lat": str(point[0]), "lon": str(point[1]), "radius": str(radius)} return self.getData(id, opts, token)
[docs] def getLatestDataAroundLike(self, id, point, radius, attributeName, attributeValue, token=None): """Get data around a specific point(lat, lon) and radius(meters) which has an attribute like Args: id (string): id of the resource item point (List[Float]): point [lat, lon] radius (int): radius in meters Returns: data (List[Dict]): Array with a time indexed dictionary item corresponding to the data """ opts = {"lat": str(point[0]), "lon": str(point[1]), "radius": str(radius), "comparison-operator": "propertyisequalto", "attribute-name": attributeName, "attribute-value": attributeValue} return self.getData(id, opts, token)
[docs] def getDataValuesLikeDuring(self, id, attribute, val, startTime, endTime, token=None): """Get data of an item for which an attribute is like value between a time Args: id (string): id of the resource item attribute (string): attribute name val (string): value Returns: data (List[Dict]): Array with a time indexed dictionary item corresponding to the data """ timeString = startTime + "/" + endTime opts = {"attribute-name": attribute, "TRelation": "during", "time": timeString, "attribute-value": val, "comparison-operator": "propertyisequalto", "startTime": startTime, "endTime": endTime} return self.getData(id, opts, token)
[docs] def getLatestDataValuesLike(self, id, attribute, val, token=None): """Get latest data of an item for which an attribute is like value Args: id (string): id of the resource item attribute (string): attribute name val (string): value Returns: data (List[Dict]): Array with a time indexed dictionary item corresponding to the data """ opts = {"attribute-name": attribute, "attribute-value": val, "comparison-operator": "propertyisequalto", "options": "latest"} return self.getData(id, opts, token)
[docs] def getDataValuesGreater(self, id, attribute, minVal, token=None): """Get data of an item for which an attribute is greater than minVal Args: id (string): id of the resource item attribute (string): attribute name minVal (float): minimum value Returns: data (List[Dict]): Array with a time indexed dictionary item corresponding to the data """ opts = {"attribute-name": attribute, "attribute-value": str(minVal), "comparison-operator": "propertyisgreaterthanorequalto", "options": "latest"} return self.getData(id, opts, token)
[docs] def getDataValuesLesser(self, id, attribute, maxVal, token=None): """Get data of an item for which an attribute is lesser than maxVal Args: id (string): id of the resource item attribute (string): attribute name maxVal (float): maximum value Returns: data (List[Dict]): Array with a time indexed dictionary item corresponding to the data """ opts = {"attribute-name": attribute, "attribute-value": str(maxVal), "comparison-operator": "propertyislessthanorequalto", "options": "latest"} return self.getData(id, opts, token)
[docs] def getDataValuesBetween(self, id, attribute, minVal, maxVal, token=None): """Get data of an item for which an attribute is between minVal and maxVal Args: id (string): id of the resource item attribute (string): attribute name minVal (float): minimum value maxVal (float): maximum value Returns: data (List[Dict]): Array with a time indexed dictionary item corresponding to the data """ opts = {"attribute-name": attribute, "attribute-value": str(minVal) + "," + str(maxVal), "comparison-operator": "propertyisbetween"} print(opts) return self.getData(id, opts, token)
[docs] def getStatus(self, id, token=None): """Get Status of a resource item Args: id (string): id of the resource item Returns: status (bool): True if up TODO: """ opts = {"options": "status"} resp = self.getData(id, opts, token) if resp[0]["status"] == "down": return False else: return True